This Month on the Site

Last month was particularly busy with Survival Camp, an increase of campers and the launch of Mud Run 2020.

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The month began with the Survival Weekend as our site manager explains,

"On a cold and wet Friday 4th October we took on our second annual event for 2019 and our first Scout Survival Camp with our partners

Eighty five Scouts turned up and took part in a number of activities all geared up to give them the opportunity to complete the requirements of the Survival Skills Badge.

They undertook tasks from sleeping in two different types of shelter made from salvaged materials and being shown how to use a knife, axe and saw safely. They prepared and cooked a meal with raw ingredients and left on the Sunday with a survival kit, certificates and badges after surviving two nights in a shelter through a very very heavy rainstorm."

Over the month, excluding the Survival Weekend over one hundred and eighty five people used the campsite, including a group from Denmark.

We’ve applied for a £10,000 grant with Hertfordshire Council to bring to disabled toilet up to legal standards. We have also applied for a £5000 grant to make the tuck shop/office space a more welcoming and functional space.

Refurbishment work starts on two bunk rooms on Monday 11th November and will take four weeks to complete.

Lastly, this month saw the opening of bookings for Mud Run 2020. Following on from last year's success were doing it all again next year, with some improvements along the way ! For more information about the event, and to make a booking head over to the dedicated pages where you can find out all the latest information.

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