Month after month the team at Danemead continue to develop the site, here are some of the highlights from this month.
Painting the indoor accommodation has started with two sides complete, and the team has been busy cutting back the undergrowth around the site and tidying up the campsites.
Information has been sent out to groups taking part in the forthcoming Survival Weekend, run in partnership with Bushscouts UK. This is the first event booked using the new digital booking system. Other enhancements include a welcome pack that is sent to groups two weeks before they arrive.
At the Annual General Meeting, held on Sunday 15th our Chairman, Chris Harrison and Site Manager, Matt Brett were awarded the Commissioners Commendation Award in recognition of their hard work in developing the site to what it is today.
Both Chris and Matt were thrilled to be presented with the award, Chris commented ". . . I don't do it for the recognition . . . I love the place and what it can offer"
At the Annual General Meeting the years reports were also presented including financial, chairman's and Site Managers reports all of which can be viewed in the article about how the site is continuing to grow year on year.
The site had over seven separate groups using the site in one weekend with over one hundred and fifty young people enjoying everything the site has to offer. This was a record for the site demonstrating how popular the site has become.